How long do processing and shipping take

Packages leave our warehouse within a couple of days depending on product availability. We may be a little behind due to a holiday or order rush. From start to finish when your order is processed, filled and shipped are all within days of your order date.

Can I add to my order after its been placed?

We are unfortunately unable to make changes once an order is placed/ due to ecommerce regulations and for our customers’ protection, we are not able to charge more than your original pre-authorization.  You can start a new order process if there was something you forgot to purchase.

My order has not shipped yet, can I cancel it?

Because orders are processed quickly, we can only accept order cancellations by 3pm Eastern Standard Time the day the order was paced. Requests for order cancellation received after this time will not be accepted.

Do you ship internationally?

At this time, Zyion Cosmetics is only processing and shipping orders with billing and final destination addresses located in the United State and Canada. We are unable to bill or ship to any countries outside of these two destinations.

Are all your products organic?

We aspire to sell organic products, and have our organic collection line of products. Our pure skin solutions collection has some organic ingredients in the mix along with our nature is best products. Our passion is being able to offer our customers things naturally derived, without neither artificial nor synthetic colorants, scents nor other harmful ingredients. Please see about us for our pledge.

How are your products packaged?

W endeavor on making sure that we use green materials to package and we pad our boxes to ensure that your order arrives safe and sound.  Our plastic bottles are made up of HDPE, LDPE, PETE plastics and we also use glass bottles in some products, all containing BPA free materials.

Can I return a product? What if I received the wrong item or my product was damaged?

Our guarantee to you is that if for ANY reason you wish to return products that you received from our site, you may send them back to us postmarked within 30 days from the date your order was received. If you have received the wrong item or damage occurs, please contact our customer service at (781) 358-5089 or email us at [email protected].

There was error during my check out, now what?

If you are experiencing an issue while entering your payment information, the billing address you entered might not match the address of the card being used. Our payment requires that the billing address provided matches the card for our customers’ protection. Please contact your bank to ensure your billing address is correct or if there are any issues that may cause the payment to be rejected.

Where is my tracking info?

Most orders take up to 2-3 business days to process and leave our facility, rest assured, we will automatically send you an email with your tracking details and an estimated arrival date. If you have any questions about your order status, don’t hesitate to call our customer service team at (781) 917-7025.

Does Zyion Cosmetics sell on

In other to guarantee the quality of our products and keep our prices low, we never sell on internet market places such as amazon, Walmart or EBay. If you see our products listed on those market places, they are being sold by a third party illegally as our products are nor for resale and we cannot guarantee their quality nor be subject to their reviews as a result.  Please note that products bought from third parties must be returned through those channels and are not returnable to us.

Why do I have sales tax added to my order?

Zyion Cosmetics charges sales tax in accordance with multiple ever-changing state laws.


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